Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Has Hank Green Chemistry Impacted My Students?

How Has Hank Green Chemistry Impacted My Students?Hank Green is a popular science teacher and he teaches chemistry, biology, genetics, ecology, and several other subjects to his students. He writes about the subject and lectures as well. So how has Hank Green Chemistry affected his students?Science teachers usually do not have enough time to write much on their own. They find it easier to give out a course outline to help organize their learning. Hank Green chemistry was well thought of by many of his students, and some of them still want to continue studying chemistry. For example, one student was actually able to pay for the transcript of his science class by selling a few books he had bought from his school library.It is hard to compare Hank Green chemistry with other science teaching materials, but there are other options available for science teachers, which are not quite as impressive. A textbook is an excellent option, but it might be boring to the students, who tend to be mor e interested in science than in textbooks.The lesson plans are another option, especially if you have a large class. A course is designed in such a way that the students learn something new at each stage of the class. Most teachers use PowerPoint presentations to help show the progression. This is a great way to explain important concepts to the students and to motivate them to work hard in class.Finally, having a video recording of the lectures is a great way to make the student's work easier. It gives the student a chance to share what they learned during the lecture and to look at their project work. A student can also listen to the lectures in audio format. The student can then listen to them over again as they study.At the end of the class, when it is time to grade the project work, most science teachers agree that their students would have done better without Hank Green Chemistry. They enjoy the teaching methods, but they do not see a real benefit from it. At least one student in a class usually says that the teacher did not really get the point of the lesson.To answer the question posed, I would say that students do not like most science teachers, even Hank Green. If you are interested in learning chemistry, you should look into the idea of using a course outline, PowerPoint presentations, a textbook, and a video recording for your science lessons.

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